TUNJA Office 001 CC North Center - Boyacá - Colombia

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. There are several types including Carcinoma: Basal Cellular, Squamous Cellular and Melanoma. At OMC Plastic Surgery-Laser you will find the information and treatment you require.

Doctor dermatologist examines skin of patient. Dermatoscopy, prevention of melanoma, skin cancer.

Excessive exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation). Direct exposure without protection with appropriate clothing and without sun protection increases the risk.

Cancer de piel Oscar Monroy Castro

Tanning lamps and booths are other sources of ultraviolet radiation that can cause an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Cancer de piel Oscar Monroy Castro

White skin is at greater risk of developing skin cancer, as is advanced age (cumulative effects of solar radiation) and smoking.


Skin Cancer Symptoms

Skin cancer can look like various marks on the skin. The main warning signs are the appearance of a new mass, a spot or lump that is growing (within a few months or 1 to 2 years), or an ulcer that does not heal within 3 months.

The appearance of moles (change in color, size, easy bleeding, scabs, etc.), freckles and other marks on the skin should be checked to detect any changes.

It is recommended to perform the self-examination in front of a full-length mirror, including the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, the lower back, and the backs of the legs.


The most important thing is to avoid exposing yourself unprotected to the sun's rays and other sources of ultraviolet light. The easiest way to protect yourself is to stay in the shade whenever possible. This is particularly important at midday, when UV light is most intense.
• Protect yourself with clothing, including a shirt and a wide-brimmed hat. Generally, tightly woven fabrics offer the best protection from the sun. Sunglasses that offer good coverage, with an ultraviolet ray absorption percentage of 99% to 100%, optimally protect the eyes and the skin area around them.
• Sunscreen creams with a protection factor of 30 or more should be used on areas of the skin exposed to the sun.

When applying lotion, always follow the instructions. For it to be effective, it must be applied before sun exposure, and used on all areas of skin exposed to sunlight. If the person sweats or swims, they should reapply sunscreen to offer maximum protection. Even when the day is cloudy


If you have any of the above conditions, such as a change in the appearance of moles (change in size, color, appearance, easy bleeding, etc.), freckles, or newly appearing lesions such as nodules or “pimples,” do not hesitate to contact us. At OMC we have the staff and resources to guide, diagnose and treat you if necessary. DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US.
