TUNJA Office 001 CC North Center - Boyacá - Colombia

Rhytidoplasty (Facial Lift)

Facial aging occurs around the age of 30, with the loss of eyebrows, deeper nasolabial folds, the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. The purpose of a facelift is to improve the aged appearance by removing excess skin from the face and neck, in addition to treating deeper structures such as excess fat muscles and aponeurosis (SMAS). There are different types of incisions depending on the facial segment to be treated. In some cases it is associated with Blepharoplasty (aesthetic surgery of the eyelids), elevation of the eyebrows, elevation of the nasal tip, lip augmentation and chin augmentation. When the skin is very aged it can be associated with a chemical peel or a laser peel. . The surgery is performed in a clinic or hospital with local anesthesia + sedation or with general anesthesia, and one-day hospitalization. The use of compressive lycra garments, postoperative physiotherapy, and avoiding sun exposure are indicated.


Surgical facial procedure designed to improve the shape and functional appearance of the nose. During surgery, modifications can be made to the bone and cartilage structure of the nose to correct aesthetic imperfections such as shape, size or nasal symmetry. Respiratory problems, such as deviated nasal septum, can also be addressed. Rhinoplasty can be performed open or closed, depending on the complexity of the case, and generally involves internal or external incisions. It is essential to discuss expectations and risks with a qualified plastic surgeon to ensure satisfactory results and understand the individual aspects of each patient.


It is indicated for patients with prominent ears (fan ears) who tire of adjusting their hairstyles and haircuts to correct this defect. Ideally, it should be performed before 7 years of age, so as not to generate trauma in school-age patients. The scar is located in the posterior fold of the ear, being practically invisible, the cartilage is corrected or molded and skin is removed when indicated. It is an outpatient procedure, which is performed with local anesthesia + sedation or general anesthesia. The use of a balaca is indicated to keep the ears in position and avoid sleeping on the side in the immediate postoperative period.


It consists of the extraction of the Bichat bags, fat bags located on the cheeks. These fat pads are located between the buccinator muscles and the masseter muscles, and their function is to help chew and pronounce certain sounds. The bichectomy is performed inside the mouth, through a 1-2 cm incision. The surgeon accesses the Bichat pouches and carefully removes them. The surgery usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, and is performed under local anesthesia or sedation.


Facial procedure designed to improve the appearance of the neck by removing excess skin and fat, addressing problems such as sagging and muscle bands. Incisions are made around the ears and possibly under the chin to access the underlying tissues, where muscles are tightened, excess fat is removed, and the skin is tightened for a firmer appearance. However, this procedure involves risks and recovery times, and should be discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon before making a decision, as each case is unique.

Augmentation mentoplasty

Indicated to achieve an adequate facial profile, it is usually performed by sliding a portion of bone forward, or more frequently by inserting a silicone prosthesis. This last method being the most common. An intraoral incision is made in the groove between the lower lip and the gums, placing the prosthesis in the anterior part of the lower jaw, the resulting scar is practically invisible. A skin incision can also be made under the chin; after a few months the scar is barely visible. The choice of access route depends on the surgeon's preferences.
It is an outpatient procedure, with local anesthesia + sedation, in exceptional cases general anesthesia is used (when performed together with rhinoplasty to improve the facial profile).


Surgical procedure aimed at removing excess skin and managing fat bags (removing or repositioning them) from both the upper and lower eyelids, to improve the appearance of tired eyes, correct visual field problems (excess skin) and make people see. younger and fresher eyes. The scars are camouflaged in the palpebral fold (upper eyelid) and below the implantation of the eyelashes or within the mucosa of the eyelid without scars on the skin (transconjunctival technique) of the lower eyelid. It is an outpatient procedure, it is performed with local anesthesia + sedation or general.
