TUNJA Office 001 CC North Center - Boyacá - Colombia


It constitutes one of the main advances in plastic surgery, it consists of the removal of localized fat, with small incisions, without the removal of skin, through a metal cannula connected to an aspirator. I completely modify body contour surgery, obtaining excellent results in the treatment of lipodystrophy (localized fat) of the abdomen, flank, back and thighs. Like any surgical intervention, it must be performed in a clinic or hospital, with the patient monitored. It is called Liposculpture, when fat grafting is performed in other areas of the body (for example in the buttocks) with the aim of filling or modeling a body segment. It is an outpatient procedure. Currently there are new technological resources such as laser lipolysis (the laser beam selectively heats fat cells until they are destroyed without altering the surrounding tissues) and vaser lipolysis (using equipment that emits ultrasonic waves that melt and liquefy the fat), which Theoretically they are less traumatic, but they definitely depend on the surgeon's experience and training in these techniques. In the postoperative period, the use of compressive garments and postoperative physiotherapy is indicated.

Augmentation mammoplasty

It is indicated for young women, with small breasts that have not developed, women with breast involution (decrease in size and sagging) after childbirth or to correct some obvious breast asymmetries. In some cases they are used for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction for cancer and in post-bariatric surgery (morbidly obese). Currently, the most widely used prostheses are those with a textured surface and polyurethane, double layer and cohesive gel. They can be placed through 3 access routes: inframammary, axillary and periareolar groove (most used) as they are camouflaged by the folds and the color of the areola. The choice of access route depends on the surgeon's preferences, in agreement with the patient. Retroglandular (behind the gland) or retromuscular (behind the muscle) placement depends on each particular case. The most common long-term complication is Capsular Contracture, which is nothing more than a membrane or capsule that forms around the implant. and that causes the breasts to become hard and occasionally painful, for this there are medical and surgical treatments, if despite the above there is no improvement, removal of the implant is indicated. The previous pathology was drastically reduced with the use of textured and polyurethane implants.

Reduction mammoplasty

The main objectives of this surgery are: reduce the volume of the breasts, remove excess skin (avoiding sagging) and correct the sagging of the breast (mastopexy), all of this to obtain an adequate shape and symmetry of the breasts, with minimal and imperceptible scars. When the volume of the breast is exaggerated, surgery aims to correct functional aspects, such as improving body posture, reducing back pain, as well as preventing deformities in the spine. There is a variety of techniques depending on the size of the breast and the surgeon's preferences. The resulting scars can be periareolar, periareolar and vertical, inverted “T”, or “L”, adapting these techniques to each particular patient.

Breast reconstruction

As its name indicates, this surgery is performed after mastectomy (removal of the breast), for cancer or trauma. There are different techniques such as microsurgical flaps, conventional flaps (displacing a segment of muscle and skin) to cover the defect left by the mastectomy or combined techniques (use of flap and silicone prosthesis). The above procedures must be authorized by the patient's treating oncology group. It is a large surgery, performed in a clinic or hospital, requiring 1 or more days of hospitalization.

Gynecomastia correction

It is the increase in the size of the mammary gland in men, in some cases resembling a woman's breasts. It is a fairly common problem, causing body image problems and limiting the outdoor activities of these patients (attendance at the pool, carrying out sports activities, etc.), preventing the use of tight clothing in these people. There are several techniques to correct this pathology, combining liposuction with removal of the mammary gland and skin. The type of anesthesia used is general or local + sedation. Outpatient procedure. The use of compressive garments, postoperative physiotherapy and restriction of activities in the immediate postoperative period is recommended.

Conventional Abdominoplasty

It corresponds to a set of surgical techniques for the correction of alterations of the abdominal wall. Which aims to remove excess skin and fat that is flaccid in the abdomen. 3 aspects are evaluated: sagging and elasticity of the skin, excess and distribution of fatty tissue, and abdominal muscles. This surgery is indicated in cases of great sagging skin, fat deposits, and diastasis (separation) of the rectus or oblique muscles. This procedure is usually performed in conjunction with liposuction to better define the body contour. The type of anesthesia is at the discretion of the anesthesiologist and surgeon; it normally requires one day of hospitalization. The use of compressive garments and postoperative physiotherapy is recommended.

Mini tummy tuck

It is indicated when there is little sagging skin, small to moderate lipodystrophy (localized fat) and normal muscles, especially in patients who do not yet have children or have only had one. It is associated with liposuction for better definition of the body contour. It is an outpatient procedure. Anesthesia is at the discretion of the anesthesiologist and surgeon. It is advisable to use compressive garments and postoperative physiotherapy.

Augmentation gluteoplasty

This surgical procedure is indicated to correct hypoplasia of the gluteal region (small buttocks), gluteal asymmetries or some other type of malformation of this body segment. Normally a fat graft from the same patient is used (shorter duration) or the placement of silicone prostheses that are different from breast prostheses (oval). The placement route is through the fold between the buttocks, they are placed intramuscularly. The surgery is performed with regional anesthesia (back) or general anesthesia, it is an outpatient procedure.
The patient should sleep face down until further medical orders and avoid sitting for long periods in the immediate postoperative period. The use of compressive garments and postoperative physiotherapy is also recommended.
The use of any type of substance called biopolymers or hydrogels in the gluteal region is NOT recommended due to the high risk of pulmonary thromboembolism and the muscle atrophy and infection that these substances can produce when used in large quantities to correct this body segment.

Calf implants

They are silicone implants that are placed at the back of the knee to correct a defect in the calf due to accidents, injuries or nerve damage. It is an outpatient procedure, regional or local anesthesia + sedation is used.
